علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
عدالت کائنات
What many are seeking, in the name of "social justice," could more accurately be called cosmic justice- and the failure to find it in any society might caution against what is to be risked or sacrificed in the quest for cosmic justice.
Therefore his conception of justice requires that people "should have the same prospects of success regardless of their initial place in the social system."97 According to Rawls, "The unequal inheritance of wealth is no more inherently unjust than the unequal inheritance of intelligence."98 In short, this conception of justice seeks to correct the happenstances of fate, the gods or the cosmos, and could more fittingly be called cosmic justice instead of social justice, since these happenstances include things not caused by the institutions or policies of any society- and are by no means necessarily correctable by social institutions or social policies.
Equal treatment may be rightly seen as falling far short of the cosmic justice being sought but, nevertheless, even the merely "formal" justice disdained by those seeking cosmic justice remains a rare achievement in the annals of human societies.
This categorical priority of cosmic justice to selected individuals or groups, in disregard of the consequences for others, is a violation of the rights of others by those with the vision of the anointed, and is in complete contradiction to the tragic vision.
All this was part of the price paid for seeking cosmic justice for intertemporal abstractions, in a world where maintaining peace and civility among flesh-and-blood contemporaries is often a major challenge by itself.
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